Our Pails correspondent's letter has been accidentally delayed in Lon-
don ; we give only some portion of it now.
"Path Thursday.
" Today, Ascension Day, the Bourse and public offices are closed ; and for twenty-four hours the Bears and Bulls repose from their fierce struggle. During the last month the former were driven from their position by the " discounting " manceuvre, of which I spoke in my last letter ; and the lat- ter carried the Rents at the opening of the Bourse yesterday as high as 63 francs 10 centimes, but these high prices brought 'forward a number of realizers as well as bold speculators for the fall, and the Rents went as low as 62 franca 40 centimes to close at 62 francs 60 centimes. It seems that the attempt of Prussia to negotiate a loan with an eminent London house failed, and the Prussian Government have opened a public subscription loan at Berlin ; the price is 95, the rate 5 per cent, and the amount 50 million tinder& "The new French loan is now quoted on the Paris Bourse at about 2 francs premium ; so it has not turned out a bad speculation for the sub- scribers ; all securities are so scarce that they are dearer for money than for time. From the Bourses of Berlin, Vienna, and London, come rumours of mediation and peace; they arose, perhaps, from the circumstance that France intends to ofer liberal terms to Austria after the first decisive victory."