It is now said that the (Ecumenical Council will not
adjourn till the schema De Romano Pontifico is voted upon. The Vatican says that thirty-six speeches of from one to two hours each have already been delivered, and that probably there are not less than 100 more such speeches to come,—and that even then only the discussion on the principle,—on the second reading, as it were, will be concluded. After that comes all the discussion on the details,—the discussion in committee,—so that we can hardly believe.that the vote can come by St. Peter'a.Day (29th inst.) as we hear rumoured. But doubtless the Council will sit till this scheme in passed. The Homan, eurrespoiscrent of the Memorial Diplomatique says that often the adjiaurnanent;--which will be till OctoheA—there will be a good yeseisworkfbr the Council, which must sit all through 1871 to revise the disciPline of the Church, and especially to take measures for the restraint of the laxity of the German Bishops, who, having been professors. do not bring to their work the solicitude of bishops of other countries. No. doubt it will take a year at least, or more,to put down the episcopal ex-professors of German Universities, who will both be very learned and very prolix, and certainly full of solicitude for their own liberties.