Mr. Lowe Has Given Up His Reduction Of The Game-licence
duty, but he has not given up his duty on carrying a gun, so that any schoolboy who goes out shooting at a mark must buy a licence value E1 sterling, but men in possession of a......
It Is Now Said That The (ecumenical Council Will Not
adjourn till the schema De Romano Pontifico is voted upon. The Vatican says that thirty-six speeches of from one to two hours each have already been delivered, and that probably......
The (roman Catholic) Bishop Of Southwark, Dr. Grant, Died At
Rome on Wednesday last, after a very painful illness, which, though it has sometimes intermitted its severity, had been upon him long before the meeting of the (Ecumenical......
On Monday And Tuesday, The Admirals, Passed Lords Of The
Admiralty, and shipbuilders in the House pecked away at Mr. Childers and Mr. Baxter like so many irritated turkey-cocks. The reductions were declared to be heartless, the......
Sir Shaf To Adair Has Lost His Sixth Contest For
East Suffolk. He has reduced the majority against him from 1,700 to 171, but still Lord Mahon has been returned. Ile believes that the ballot would reverse the verdict, as it......
The Speech In Which Marshal Prim Denied That He Had
been concerned in the Portuguese Revolution has been received in England. It amounts to this,—that he has no wish to conquer Portugal, and it would in no way interfere with the......
Yesterday Week The House Of Lords, After A Sharp Preliminary
squabble all round as to the right of making a speech when you are only putting a question, passed without a division the second reading of the Bill for repealing that......
Mr. Henley Brought Up On Monday The Subject Of The
secret session, and that rule of the House by which any member who calls attention to the presence of strangers is invested with the power of excluding all, even reporters, from......