This extra consumption of milk by school children at school
is far from subtracting from the sum of milk sold to the households. Direct figures are hard to get—partly because a good deal of cream and skimmed milk is sold ; but there is abundant evidence that the general sale of milk is rising within and perhaps outside the area of the campaign. Everyone is benefiting—the farmer and distributor economically, the child physically. If any name deserves more particular mention it is perhaps that of Dr. Orr of the Rowett Institute ; and Mr. John Wilson, chairman of the Northern Co-operative Society, has special credit for the direct sale of milk in the schools. It is hoped—indeed it is likely—that the Aberdeen experiment will find imitators here, there and everywhere. Such a scheme is much more than twice blessed ;. and it is the best example one can quote of the obvious, but often forgotten and sometimes disputed truth, that at bottom the welfare of producer and consumer spring from identical causes.