4 JUNE 1932, page 14

At A Recent Show (at Yeovil) In A Tent Devoted

to rural crafts, I saw the happy organizer selling the very last of his wicker wheelbarrows. He was sending for more before the show had been open above an hour or two. These......

Experiences Of Birds Which In Crises Lose All Fear Of

man seem to be of world-wide scope. The latest of a long list reaches me from the Upper Stikine Mission in British Columbia : " While on the trail from Telegraph Creek to Atlin......

This Extra Consumption Of Milk By School Children At School

is far from subtracting from the sum of milk sold to the households. Direct figures are hard to get—partly because a good deal of cream and skimmed milk is sold ; but there is......

A Flower Week.

We have had the great flower week of the year, though it remains something of a mystery how the professional gardeners provide blossoms of plants that have very different......

For The Last Six Months The Aberdeen Milk Publicity...

" has been engaged in an active campaign. Dairy- men, doctors. co-operators, representatives of public health, and of the Scottish Board of Agriculture and, not least, of the......

Another Correspondent From British Columbia Records A...

tameness in a wild swan, which settled down in a pond close to Victoria. The bird took bread from the hand at the first offer. The instance, though remarkable, can be paralleled......

Country Life

FARMERS AND CHILDREN. How fruitfully the wealth of the farmer—and indeed of the distributor too—may be an agent in increasing the health of the community has been most......