MDIMITY has, as we expected, carried his Anti-Dreyfus
• Bill through the Senate by 158 votes to 131, a majority of 27. As only eleven Senators were absent, this is a majority of the whole body, and gives clear evidence that in France the whole Parliament dreads the Army more than injustice. The Bill is now law, and the verdict as to revision will be delivered by the whole Court of Cassation, or rather by the majority of the forty-five Judges. They will appa- rently take evidence publicly, cross-examine some wit- nesses, bear counsel, and pronounce judgment about the end of March. It is supposed that the agitation will then be calmed, because every one will accept the judgment of the Court, but why Paris should accept a verdict from forty-five men when she refused to accept it from fifteen is not clear. The Army certainly will not accept it if it is a verdict of acquittal. That, however, is held to be improbable. Why should the forty-five Judges be more insensible to popular pressure than three hundred Senators ?