Signor Marconi Succeeds Gradually In His Wireless...
the Institute of Electric Engineers on Thursday that he sent one thousand words a day from Alum Bay to Bourne. mouth without wires. The speed is fifteen words a minute, and the......
Mr. Wyndham, Who Introduced The Army Estimates On...
made a very good impression on the House, and showed that he was in touch with the better military opinion on many points of detail. We learn with great pleasure that the War......
The Second Reading Of The Education Of Children Bill, Which
advances the age of exemption from school from 11 to 12, was carried in the Commons on Wednesday afternoon by the enor- mous majority of 317 to n. Mr. W. S. Robson, who......
The Members Of The English Church Union Held Their Annual
meeting on Monday, and were in the evening received by the President (Lord Halifax) at the Grafton Gallery. Six hundred delegates, clerical and lay, were present from all parts......
Sir Edward Grey Was The Guest Of The " Eighty
" and "Russell" Clubs at Oxford last Saturday, and in replying to the toast of the "Liberal party" devoted himself mainly to an analysis of the party differences over the......
On Monday The Question Of Uganda Was Raised On The
Estimates by Sir Charles Dille, who attacked the administra- tion of the Foreign Office, and declared that they had "con- ducted affsirs through odds and ends of administrators......
It Is With Intense Pleasure That We Are Able To
record, if not the recovery of Mr. Kipling, at any rate his passage from extreme danger to comparative security. During the greater part of the past week he has literally been......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent. New Consols (2f) Were On
Friday, 110j.......