Was there ever such a spectacle seen before as China
now presents ? The rulers of the vast Empire are parting bit by bit with all sovereign rights over their own coast, and obtaining nothing for them,—not even exemption from further demands. Not only are the intrusive Powers not lilies of Pekin, but each one of them speculates audibly on the share in the body of the Empire which he will take when matters are a little further advanced, and, in fact, regards his concession as a sort of jumping-off place from which to rush into the interior. The Pekin Govern- ment does not obtain the smallest guarantee against in- ternal revolt, nor any aid whatever in ori2 an sing a native army. Nor do the people of China obtain any security for better government, or any protection against the extortions of their own Mandarins. Watching such a scene, we are almost inclined to recant our opinion about partition. The dismemberment of China must be disastrous to us, for we are already overloaded, but at least it would be less shameful than the process now going on. Europe is breaking up the ancient civilisation of a fourth of the human race without even attempting to provide a substitute.