The hiding-place of "Father Gapon," who led the Russian workmen
on January 22nd, is not yet known ; but he has published a letter in the Paris Humanite denouncing the Romanoffs in unmeasured terms, calling the Czar an "assassin," and ordering his deposition and appearance" before the tribunal of the people." All social life is to be reduced to chaos, and "bombs, dynamite, collective and individual assassination, should be employed against the assassins of a people." It is exceedingly difficult to believe that frenzied language of this kind can be sincere,—though no doubt Karat existed. Its immediate effect must be to alarm all moderates in Russia, and to enable those who advocate sanguinary repression to convince the Emperor, and all reactionary Ministers, that they are not only fighting for their lives, but resisting a movement which must end in a destructive spasm of anarchy. One of the least hopeful signs of the present movement in Russia is the absence of sane leaders. Even Tolstoi, who is accepted as a humanitarian, would abolish all individual property in land.