We Have Received The Second Number Of The Garden City
(Simpldn, Marshall, and Co., 3d.), a periodical intended to pro- mote the attractive project from which it takes its name. We commend it to our readers. We are glad to see that......
Niceta Of Remesiana. By A. E. Burn, D.d. (cambridge...
Press. 9s. net.)—It is not every scholar, however great his learning or indefatigable his industry, who finds the opportunity in this twentieth century of publishing an editio......
Chats On Old Furniture. By Arthur Hayden. (t. Fisher Unwin.
5s. net.)—Mr. Hayden has given us here a useful and instructive volume. He begins with a bibliography, and follows this with a glossary in which he explains various terms, such......
The First Folio Of Chaucer. (alex. Moring, And Henry Frowde.
15 5s. net.)—Among the various facsimile reproductions which have been lately given to the world, there is not one more beautiful and interesting than the First Folio of......
The Antiquary, 1904. (elliot Stock.)—with The Volume For...
year this periodical completed its quarter of a century of life. We are glad to see that it has found sufficient encourage- ment to enlarge its dimensions, and otherwise to......
Middlesex County Records : Calendar Of Sessions Books...
W. J. Hardy. (Guildhall, Westminster.)—This volume is, in a way, the successor of those brought out under the auspices of the Middlesex County Record Society by Mr. J. Cordy......
Mediaeval Towns : Venice. By Thomas Okey. Illustrated By...
Erichsen. (J. M. Dent and Co. 48. 6d. and 55. 6d net.)— Mr. Okey divides his book into two nearly equal parts, the first being given, we may say, to the past, the second to the......
Two Volumes May Be Mentioned Together, As Written By...
and rather, therefore, to be commended to the notice of students than to be criticised. These are The Shu - King ; or, The Chinese Historical Classic, Translated from the......