Sin,—On every side we hear of relief funds being raised
for the unemployed ; and against the kindly motives which prompt the raising of such funds I have, of course, nothing to say. But why are people unemployed P Because, owing to a variety of different causes, there is not enough work for those who want it. Relief funds may tide over moments of exceptional distress, but the cause of the distress remains, and the• philanthropic assistance of to-day will have to be repeated to-morrow. And all this time Canada is crying aloud for men and women,—not for our floating scum, but for men and women prepared to do honest work for their living. Surely it would be better to divert some of the money now devoted to sporadic relief funds to the more lasting remedy of finding people work in Canada and assisting them to get there. I do not speak without knowledge, though my experi- ence has, naturally, been on a limited scale. Through lantern lectures and other means, I some time ago raised a small loan fund, and with this I have since been helping those who desired, but were without the necessary means, to cross the ocean and seek work where people were wanted. A consider- able number, whose references have in all eases been carefully verified, have been thus sent out to Canada, and in every case with definite work to go to. The money supplied to them is not a_ gift, but a loan; and in every case the emigrant has found his or her footing, and is already repaying the sum advanced, which can thus be turned over again. Nine pounds will carry an emigrant not merely across the Atlantic, but as far as Winnipeg, if desired. The emigrant should have at least El in hand for food on the railway journey up country. March is a good month in which to arrive in Canada. If any person is disposed to assist in thus finding work for deserving people, saving them from falling on the rates at home, I shall be happy to receive and acknowledge any contributions addressed as below, as my loan fund is at present exhausted; and I will see that the money is properly used.—I am, Sir, &c.,