[To THE EDITOR OF THE "Spat:mixes."] SIR, — The article in the
Spectator of February 25th under the above heading implies, I think, that M. J. Guyau's books were first published in 1903 and 1904. His famous " Esquisse d'une Morale sans Obligation ni Sanction" appeared, how- ever, in 1885, and " L'Irreligion de l'Avenir " in 1887, while the latter had been translated into English by 1897. r beg to enclose the list of M. Guyau's works from the London Library catalogue :—"L'Art au Point de Vue Sociolog.," 1889; "Edu- cation et Horedite," 1889; "Education and Heredity," tr. W. J. Greenstreet (" Contemporary Science Series "), 1891; " Esquisse d'une Morale sans Obligation ni Sanction," 1885; "La Genese de l'Idee de Temps," intr. by A. Fouillee, 1890; "L'Irreligion de l'Avenir," 1887; "The Non-religion of the Future," tr., 1897; "La Morale Anglaise Contemporaine :
Morale de l'Utilite et de rEvolution," 1879; ed., 1888; "La Morale d'Epicure," &c., 1878; "Lea Problemes de l'Aesthetique Contemp.," ed., 1891.-1 am, Sir, &II, FRANCES A. WELBY.