[To THE EDITOR OF THE " sescrsros.1
Sin,—A very deserving body of men require assistance. Our work was entered into for the purpose of helping officers, who had some money to invest, to find employment where the possession of capital would prove the "open sesame." We did not anticipate applications for assistance from men with- out this very important qualification, but we have been impressed and much concerned at finding it almost impos- sible to help these gentlemen; men holding the highest testi- monials for devotion to duty, for tact, for the management of
business and men, (tc. The private soldier, holding a good record, has many institutions to which he can apply, to whom the problem of earning a living is thereby made easy, but the most deserving officer has nowhere to turn. He comes to us in the very infancy of our business career, and we have not the means to advertise our position to those who would, no doubt, readily assist him. There are hundreds of positions in which such men would find their proper spheres of usefulness ; and there are noblemen and gentlemen and merchants, with all the world of affairs besides, who have sufficient patriotism to feel an interest in the welfare of men who have in very many instances served their country with distinction, men who have not hesitated to squander themselves in their devo- tion to duty, who from sickness in service, or breakdown, have had to retire, men now restored to health and vigour, impatient to better their condition for the benefit of their children and families. The matter calls for the most indulgent consideration, and we appeal to the Press to help us to meet the necessities, in many cases dire necessities, of a most deserving body of men. We are quite ready to stand aside in this department of our work, putting considerations of profit entirely away, if some generous patron will come forward to bring succour to these people. It will be work which will meet with the fullest gratitude. We, unfortunately, are not in a position to become philanthropists ; we belong more or less to the same class as that for which we make this appeaL- I am, Sir, 8,:c. F. E. V. TAYLOR. The Officer's Employment Bureau, 57 Chancery Lane, London, W.C.