Mr. Bryce, who followed, very naturally and properly expressed surprise
and disappointment at the tone of Lord Percy's speech, which palliated the misdoings of the Turkish Government and encouraged them in their obstinacy, and con- trasted his unsympathetic attitude with that of Lord Lans- downe. Mr. Balfour demurred to this view, supported Lord Percy, dwelt on the enormous difficulties of the problem, and declared that he would never consent to take action indepen- dently of the other Powers. "The burdens which this country has already to bear are sufficiently great, and this Govern- ment, at all events, is not going to add to them by any insane policy of adventure in the Near East." The amendment, which was negatived without a division, served to show that under this amazing Administration, while on other questions a Minister can openly differ from a colleague, on this an Under-Secretary can correct his chief.