4 MARCH 1911, Page 1

The truth is that this bogey is one of the

feeblest and most futile ever suggested. Its only foundation is that the Referendum may be followed by the Initiative. Our answer to this is that in theory any measure may be followed by any other measure, but, as a matter of fact, no one proposes to institute the Initiative in this country, and, as far as we can see, both sides are strongly opposed to it. Therefore there is not the slightest chance of it passing. Even if it did, however, in all human probability it would be no more used than it is in Switzerland. There the Initiative is almost a dead letter. We believe that the only example in recent years of a measure proposed under the Initiative being carried was the Bill prohi- biting the sale of absinthe. The power of the absinthe manufacturers was, it is alleged—though here we only write on hearsay—so strong that no one could be found to intro- duce the measure into the Federal Parliament. It was introduced, however, through the Initiative by those interested in the physical and moral improvement of the country, men who were determined not to see the population ruined by this insidious drug. There are plenty of Socialists in Switzerland, but they have never been able to use the Initiative to introduce 50 per-cent. taxation.