News Of The Week.
W ITHOUT question the most important, though not the most sensational, event of the week was the debate in the House of Lords on Thursday on Lord Balfour's Reference to the......
Equally Beside The Mark Was The Lord Chancellor's Warning...
the minority in the House of Commons would always be demanding a reference. He imagined a proposal that every- body should pay 50 per cent. of his income over £5,000 a year, and......
Nothing Could Be More Satisfactory Than Lord Selborne's...
shows, what we of course have never doubted, that the Unionist Party will not rest till they have made the reference to the people a part of the Constitution, and so pro- vided......
The Truth Is That This Bogey Is One Of The
feeblest and most futile ever suggested. Its only foundation is that the Referendum may be followed by the Initiative. Our answer to this is that in theory any measure may be......
• *** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......
The House Which Listened To Lord Balfour's Introductory...
a large and very important one, and there were evident signs during the debate that both parties realised how serious was the occasion. Writing on Friday, we cannot,......