Queen Victoria has added a seventh to the guarantees of
the direct succession ; and the courtly folks' it would seem, are over- whelmed not only with delight, but also with astonishment The Gazette abandons the old official tone, to borrow the eloquence of the penny-a-line style, and announces "this great and important news. Even in Parliament, Sir Robert Inglis feels it his duty to express his approbation at the addition which in "each year" is made to the list of Princes,—as though he were eminently con- scious of some great sacrifice in the accretion : so fond is adu- lation of overpassmg the frontier of the sublime. Not long. ago, the Princess Alice went to compare notes with the Dutohess of Gloucester on their common birthday : on Wednesday the infant Prince commenced his life just as the Duke of Wellington com- pleted his eighty-first year ; and, with a natural impulse of cour-- tesy for the Duke, the Queen selects for her youngest boy the illustrious and ancient British name of "Arthur."