Can The Law Be Taught?
Tim Law Amendment Society, which has done good service in Chancery reform and the OMplifying of land-sales, haS now under-, taken a more difficult ta*; in the proposal to......
Stamps On Land-dealings.
THE Ministers deserve credit for their attempts to revise the law as to stamps on deeds, but they do not appear to have sufficiently studied the details. It was a subject which......
Public Salaries.
&Teller. conclusive inferences are to be drawn from the debate on Mr. Henley's motion for the reduction of public salaries. In the first place, it confirms what we have said as......
Ministers And The Savings-banks.
ALTHOUGH nice critics are dissatisfied with the Chancellor of the Exchequer's plan of savings-bank reform, it is really a good mea- sure; it will place the system of......