An Arctic Voyap to Ben's Bay and Lancaster Sound, in Search of Friez1ls with Sir John Franklin. By Robert Anstruther Goodsir, late President of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh.
Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower California, in 1848-9; with the Author's Experience at the Mines. Illustrated by twenty-three Drawings, taken on the spot. By William Redmond Ryan. In two volumes.
A Month at Constantinople. By Albert Smith.
[Last summer, Mr. Albert Smith seems to have taken a long Continental tour; but the part of it he has given to the public is a steam voyage from Malta to Constantinople, including six hours at Athens, and a day at Smyrna; a month's sojourn at Constantinople, embracing the city sights and excursions in the neighbourhood ; with another steam voyage to Alexandria, and his quarantine adventures on arriving there. The book is what it professes to be, an account of what may be seen and done in the usual time of an autumnal tour; with many specific particulars as to charges and modes of locomotion, that will be useful to any one who feels inclined to make a holyday journey to Stamboul. The narrative also will furnish amusement to the class of common readers for whom it is probably &signed ; ' as the style is lively, unaffected though "smart," and the author chiefly deals with subjects to which their attention would probably have been directed had they made the tour themselves. But the ground has been too often traversed to furnish subjects of novelty, without longer time than Mr. Smith was able to spare, and without some more solid object of pursuit than merely to sketch external appearances. The most striking feature of the writer is the independent way in which he conveys the impression which things left upon his mind, without regard to the usual estimation : the moat i remarkable circumstance n the descnption is the Cockneyfied manners that seem to be stealing over the great cities of the East, the result of importa- tions, steamers, and the love of holydaymaking, innate in man and woman kind.]
Daily Rale Illustrations ; being-Original Readings for a Year, on Sub- -ects from Sacred History, Biography, Oeograjhy, AntiqMtiea, and ou. Especially desired for the fmily Ily John Kitt*, F.S.A., Editor of The Pictorial liffile." Moses and the Judges—April and June. This second vohnne of Dr. Kitto's commentary on incidents from the Bible, intended for daily perusal, is one of the best boo'ks of the kind. The pre, vious Waive of the author in Bible illustration especially in what refers to the limners, en/stems, natural features, and history of the East, have stored Ins mind with various knowledge, and given him much facility in its appli- cation. A sound judgment has enalls1 him to choose topics of particular -weight end interest by themselves, yet having a general connexion with He- brew hiStory ; 13o that while each separate "reading" is complete, the series -forms a species of continuous commentary on the Jewish annide,—more. how- ever in relation to religions than political illustration. In this kind of composition -a frequent fault is outpouring; the divine is too much addicted :to present his merely personal feelings or opinions on the text, and the re- teeeions sink into sermon. Br. into avoids this fault ; lie brings to each weeding curious learning, Teal information, and close argument, conveyed in a solid styles] 274 Book o f North 'Wales. Soenery, Antiquities, }lighwaye and Bye- -way; Lakes, Streams' and Railways. By Charles Frederick Cliffe, Author of "The Book of South Vales." With a Map and Illustra- tions. (The mescal that has attended Mr. CBS's original Ouide o South Wake,* has led to the publication of the present volume ; which is distinguished by the same clutracteristics as its predecessor. The publication is not a "book made from other books," but the accumulation of actual knowledge and experience. Mr. Cliffc describes -what he has seen, tells what he knows, and gives that practical advice which saves both time and money. The minutia .of routes,ffisMaces conveyances, and costa, which contribute so much to the comfort and good temper of the tourist, are carefully attended to ; and :the information is brought down to the present time. While these prime sub- jects are regarded in conjunction with directions concerning the sights to which they are subsidiary, neither descriptive nor historical topography is lost sight of. The person who is tempted by the facilities offered by rail- ways to visit the Principality with its mountains and its romantic coast, must provide himself with this Book of North Wales.] .Vidslie Ii7ements of Getnnetry ; the Find Six Books, chiefly from the Textof Dr. Simon, with Eigdanatory Netes, &c. Designed for the use of she Junior Maws in Public and Private Schools. By Robert -Potts, M.A., Trinity College. i[Sebstantially a third edition. The lest was an octavo volume for academi- Cal students.; the second consisted of the first six books of Euclid, designed for the use ef schools, and was prepared at the request of "some schoolmas- ters of eminence." This WAS so favourably received that it was used as a text-book in the Royal Military Academy ; and the edition before us was soon called for. It has been thorough' revised, the notes and questions augmented, and the exercises rearranged, the additions altogether amount- ing to more than fifty pages.] As .Elementarii Course of Geology, Mineralogy, and _Physical Geogra- phy. By David T. Alined, M.A., F.R.S., The geological portions of the excellent elementary work are founded on Professor Ansted'i3 Geology, Introductory, _Descriptive, and Practical; some- times extended. The course of physical geography is in a great mealtime newly written; the matter Icing -derived from the most modern sourced, es- pecially from Johnston's Berghaus Physical Atlas.] The Modern .Linguist, orConversationsin English and French. By Al- bert Bartels.
The Modern Linguist, or tom mentions hi English and German. By Albert Bartels.
The Modern Linguist, or 'Conversations in English, French, and Ger- man. By Albert Bartels.
!Conversation-Books, in two parts. The first part contains a vocabulary, the second a series of phrases, embracing the terms connected with modern
=eglis steamers, railways—arranged under particular heads. The third of the list combines the French and 'German of the first and second, *nil is of course the most useful for the traveller.] Goldensith's Abil'clynient of the .Efietory c j.England, from the In- vasion of sTsilius Clusar to the Death of -George IL Edited by Robert Simpson. With a Continuation to the year l850, &e. Nineteenth edition.
Rhyeico-Ph,ysiologioal Researches on the Dynansies of _Magnetism, _Eke- brieity, JlestL1ghi,ystesilization, and Chemism, in their relations 0 the Vital fibre. Baron Charles Von I:niche/0)=h. The com- plete work, from the German second edition. With the addition of a Preface and Critical Motes, by Joins Aeltburner, M.D.
The Imperial Cyclopedia. Cyclopedia of Geography. I. The Geogra- phy of the British Empire, Part I. Abaco—Barnsley. IThe lira number of Mr. Knight's new Encyclopiedia ; whesehasis as regards matter is the Penny Cyclopedia, `but the arrangement reslinbles that of the ifetraolitana ; the work being mapped out into the following cycles of 'Science, Metaphysical and Morel; Theology and Biblical Literature; Law and Jurisprudence; Government and Political Economy.
The cycle of Geography, in whiehthe.Penny Cyclopedia was so rich, begins the speculatioa; to be followed by Arts and Industry, in compliment to the great Exhibition of 1851. The section is further subdivided, the "Geo- graphy of the British Empire "forming the first geographical division; but whether this plan is to be pursued throughout, we do not know. For pur- poses of purchasing convenience, and specific reference, the scheme has its asses; but the arrangement is so arbitrary and accidental that we suspect it Will militate against the effect of the whole, splitting up the natural geogra- phical division into bits, and mending the referrer to several successive vos kmes in search ef a name, unless he happens to know the political relations of the place he is looking for. The part before us promises well. Books published subsequently to the ,Penny Cyclopedia have been consulted to bring down the information to the latest date ; and many contributions from local residents of places in this country enrich partioular articles with full knowledge : a source which, looking to the effect of the entire work, may require to be sparingly used, ein account of its derangement of the seals. The work is clearly printed; the amps are those 0 England and South Wales, with a plan of Birmingham, sand views of the principal buildings in Birnungham, Bath, and Bristol. The nice has been reduced from four shillings to half-a-crown.] The Daltotts ; or Three Roads in life. By Charles Lever. Illustrated by Phis. _No. L • spectator, 1641; page 642.
ettbj .
Arts mid indurtant
Science, Mathematical and Physical; Natural History' Biography and history;
• Music.
"0 Saviour of the world"; an Anthem for Six Voices, by the Reve- rend Samuel Greatheed, "This anthem is in the Palestrina etyle ; a piece of grave and solemn eccle- siastical harmony, without any infusion of the secular melody of the modem English cathedral music. It "shows the reseerend author to be a sound mu- sician of the old school.] "Peace to thee" ; a Ballad. "No form but thins"; - a Canzonet. ",Beneath thy easement"; a Serenade. The Words by Wallbridge Lunn; the Music by Henry C. Isaiah
ITheee songs are distinguished from the mass of English vocal music of the day by the words having some pretension to the imme of pootry, and by the airs having character, expression, end something masterly in their zonsteue- tion and treatment.]
" Remember thee? Yes, love, for ever." Ballad, written and composed by Mrs. Mackinlay. [This sons the words and music of which are from the pen of an accom- plished amateur, is simple and unpretending, but pleasing and expressive.] Vne Reverie. Caprice pour le Piano, compost* par 8. W. Waley. Mere/se, pear is Piano. tempos& par S. W. Waley-.
[The theme of Mr. Walefe "Caprice" as very graceful, and a strain of tow- ing melody runs through the whole piece. It is rich end brilliant, and the wide arpeggios are an admirable exercise for the left hand. The March is very good, but too elaborate : breadth and simplicity are the characteristics of a march.]
Latter-Day Pamphlets. Edited by Thomas Carlyle. No. T. Stump- Orator.
A Letter to the Most Reverend .Tohn Bird, LordArehbishop of Canter- bury, and the Most Reverend Thomas, Lord Archbiehop of York, in reference to the late Judgment of the Judicial Committee of Privy Council, in the ease of Gorham v. the Bishop of Exeter. By a Rural Dean. Reasons for not Signing the proposed Address to the Lord Bishop of Worcester ; and Remarks on the late Decision in the Appeal Gorham Bishop of Exeter. In a Letter to the Reverend 'T. L. tlaughton, M.A., &c. By the Reverend Henry James Hastings, M.A. Two Sermons on the Duty of Keeping the Lord's Day, and the Man- ner in which it should be Kept. By Richard Harvey, M.A., Beebe of St. Mary's, flornsey. Let us Uphold the Seripture.Rule of Marriage. An earnest Address to Englishmen. By the Reverend Abner W. Brown, M.A.
Bourcee and Limits of the Rights of Me _People. What are Things Coming to?
Modern Slavery, and the Sluve-T-rade. A Lecture delivered at the Cheshunt Literary and Scientific Institution, April 9, 1850. By the Reverend William Brodie, M.A. A Letter to the _Right Honourable Lord John Russell, MP., First Lord her iftgesty 8 Treasury, on the Present Crisis relative to the Fine in Scotland, &c. By Thomas Hamilton, Architect. Proposals for a Geologkal Survey gecially directed to Agrimdtural Objects. By JoshuaTrimmer, F.G.S. &c. On the Geology of Norfolk, as Illustrating the Laws- of the Distribution of Soils. By Joshua Trimmer, F.G.S. Consumption. An Account of some Discoveries relative in Consumpe lion. By John Gardner, M.D.