4 MAY 1850, Page 17


I On the Eth March. at Raman Droog, Bellary District, E.L, Eliza, Wife of the Hon. David Arbuthnott, of a daughter. Oaths llth April, at West Oxford, Upper Canada, the Wife of William Maynard, of CM the 24th, at Clapham Common, the Lady of John Humphery, E.g., M.P., of a -daughter. On the 24th, at Bishops Court, county Kildare, the Countess of Clonmell, of a son. On the .24th, at Birmingham, the Lady Katherine Raiders, of a daughter. -On the 26th, at the Vicarage, Tunbridge, the Lady of the Rev. Thomas Rateliffe, of a Son.

Ou the 26th, in Arlington Street. the Marchioness of Salisbury, of a daughter. On the 2d May, the Lady Norreys, of a son.


-On the 18th April, at Salcombe Church. Devondhire, the Rev. Francis Goddard, MA., Vicar of Alderton, Wilts, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late and sister of the present John Wolcott, Esq., of Knowle, Salcombe. On the 26th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Frederick Drununond, Esq., to Agnes Caroline, second daughter of the late W. P. 13rigstocke, Esq., of Birdconibe Court, Somersetabire, and M.P. for the Eastern Ihnsion of that county.

On the 25th, at Penrith, Alexander Murray, Esq., Captain R.N., to Isabella Hay, youngest daughter of the late Major Brougham, of Pemath.

On the 30th, at Shmenham, the Earl of Strathmore, to Charlotte faria Barring- ton, eldest daughter of Lord and Lady Barrington.


On the 16th April, at Gibraltar, Captain Thomas Phipps Miaow, of HAUB Slab"- seventh Regiment, youngest son of the Late Archdeacon Onalow. On the 17th, at Stockholm, Sir Thomas Cartwright, G.C.H„ her Majesty's Envoy Extmordinary and MinisterPlenipotentiary at the Court of Sweden; in his 56th year.

On the 19th. in Pimlico, Mrs. Colchester. Relict of the late Mr. Benjamin Colette*. ter, of Ipswich; in her 90th year.

On the 24th, in Tilney Street, the Lady Sarah Finch, second daughter of the Ead of Ayleaford ; in her 26th year. On the 26th, at Woodstock, county of Wicklokr, the Right Rev. and Right Hon. Lord Robert Ponsonby Tottenham, Lord _Bishop of Clogher, only brother of ;he late -Marquis of Ely; in his 7 th year.

On the 26th. Mrs. Judith Noble, Widow, of Eaton Street, Pimlico ; in her 90t1ryear.

On the 27th, at Devonshire Place House, Jaqueline Elizabeth, Wife of Alexander Trotter, Esq., and daughter of the late William Otter, D.D., Bishop of Chichester; in her 99th year.

On the 27th, at the residence of lals.mother, the Hon. Russell Ityng, Lieutensztt of II. H. S. Ocean, fourth brother of Viscount Torrington; in his 27th year. On the 29th, at Ben l House, near Ameraltain, Samuel theism, Esq., Secretary and Controller-General of the National Debt Once; in his 78th year.

On the 29th, at I.ee, Kent, Eliza Lydia, Wife of Lieutenant-General the Hon. WM= Dewy Gardner ; in her 62d year.