4 MAY 1850, Page 7


Monday, May 6. Australian Colonies Government Bill: To be considered as amended. Sir William Molesworth to move, "That the bill be recommitted, for the purpose of omitting all clauses which empower the Colonial Office to disallow Colonial laws, to cause Colonial bills to be reserved, and to instruct Colonial Governors as to their conduct in the local affairs of the Colonies ; and for the purpose of adding clauses enumerating and defining Imperial and Colonial powers."

Distressed Unions Advances (Ireland) Bill: Third reading. Elections (Ireland) Bill : Committee.

Tuesday, May 7. Slave Labour Sugar: That it is unjust and impolitic to expose the free-grown sugar of the British Colonies and Possessions abroad to a com- petition with the sugar of foreign slave-holding and slave-trading countries— Sir Edward Buxton.

Amendment : to add—" While at the same time the British Government inter- poses difficulties that prevent the Colonies from procuring a sufficient supply of free labourers from Africa and other places, that might enable those colonies to compete in the production of sugar with the foreign slave-holding and slave-trading countnes."—Mr. Hume.

Amendment : to add—.. And therefore, as difficulties exist in the exclusion from this country of sugar the produce of slave labour, whilst foreign sugar the produce of free labour is admitted for consumption, and as Spain and Brazil ar,: still unwilling to carry into execution their Treaties for the suppression of the slave-trade, it is expedient, in justice to our own Colonies, and for the purpose of checking slavery and the slave-trade, that the act 11 and 12 Vic. 97. for the regulation of the duties on Foreign and British Colonial sugar, be reconsidered."—Sir John Pakington.

Wednesday, May 8. Real Property Transfer Bill : Second reading.

Irish Fisheries Bill : Second reading.

Thursday. May 9. Larceny Summary Jurisdiction Bill: Third reading.

Court of Prerogative (Ireland) Bill: Second reading.

Friday May 10. Ecclesiastical Commission Bill: Committee.

Parliamentary Voters, er.c. (Ireland) Bill : Third reading. Court of Chancery (Ireland) Bill : Amended, to be considered. Stamp-duties Bill: Committee.