The Beethoven Quartet Society holds its meetings this season in
a new locale—the New Beethoven Rooms, in Queen Anne Street, Ctwendish Square. The rooms are spacious, elegant, commodious, and well adapted for musical sound. The Society, which for some reason suspended its meetings last season, has resumed them with renovated vigour, and with greater success than ever. The performances, as before, are under the able direction of M. Rousselot ; who has greatly improved them by having one unchanging party of quartet-players—Messrs. Ernst, Cooper, Hill, and Roesaelot himself. They rehearse and atudy together the works of the great master in whose honour the Society was established by one of his most devoted admirers, the late Mr. .Alsager ; and the result is a unity of effect which the finest players in the world cannot attain by any other means. The second meeting of this season, on wednesday, was attended by an audience so crowded that many gentlemen could not find seats. Three of -Beethoven's quartets, composed at the beginning, in the middle, and near the end of his career, were performed; together with his grand duet for the pianoforte and violoncello, played by Messrs. Sterndale Ben- nett and Rousselet.