4 MAY 1878, Page 2

The Crown Princess of Germany has arrived in this country,

on a visit to the Queen, and her husband has left Berlin on the same errand. It will of course be said that the Princess, Mr. Cross on Wednesday opened a similar club at Preston, with who is believed to take a keen, and not a Russian interest in the Eastern Question, visits England on some political mission, but it is at least as probable that her motive is an Easter visit to her mother, or to make the last arrangements for the marriage arranged between the Duke of Connaught and a daughter of Prince Charles of Hohenzollern, the Red Prince of the French war. This alliance will be popular in England, the people being quite unable to believe that royal marriages are of no importance, and tend very often to separate the countries so connected. Certainly the marriage of the Duke of Edinburgh has not bound the Courts of London and St. Petersburg together in a manner dangerous to other Powers. It is hardly, on political grounds, to be re- gretted that English feeling about creeds shuts out the first parti in Europe, the =betrothed heir of the Hapsburgs, from an alli- ance with the English House, which otherwise, as so entirely German and so very old, would be so acceptable at the Hofburg. Otherwise we might by degrees be allied by family ties to every Great Power in Europe except France, and be sincerely friendly only with the exception.