4 MAY 1878, page 2

Professor Henry Smith, The Liberal Candidate For Oxford,...

a letter explaining his views upon the Eastern Question. He says that there has been much in the foreign policy of the Government which he cannot approve. They should have......

The Two First Detachments Of The Native Contingent...

Malta have sailed from Bombay, and the Times correspondent at Calcutta telegraphs that the men have gone most willingly. They are weary of peace, and eager for fighting. At......

On Thursday Mr. Cross Made A Second Speech At Preston,

this time to an assemblage of Conservative working-men. In this speech, after boasting that Government had lost only two votes, and expressing his confidence that a dissolution,......

A Speech In Which He Denied That The Majority Of

the Ministers were dummies," as they had recently been called—that was very wrong of Mr. Bright ; they are not dummies, they are queens, rooks, knights, and bishops, quite......

Mr. Bright, Who Usually Gets Indian Feats Correctly, Has...

into a singular error as to the native regiments sent to Malta. He says they are " Mahommedan, half-savage troops." They may be half-savage, in some senses, but while their......

The Catholic Priesthood Of Ireland Appear To Have Become...

to the fact that "concurrent endowment" is not in all cases either inexpedient or immoral. After rejecting concurrent en- dowment for their Church, they are demanding concurrent......

The Crown Princess Of Germany Has Arrived In This Country,

on a visit to the Queen, and her husband has left Berlin on the same errand. It will of course be said that the Princess, Mr. Cross on Wednesday opened a similar club at......