[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Fis,—I have been trying sugar beet in various ways, and find the following recipe quite successful: nib. sugar beet cut up into strips; 2 lemons, 2 oranges, cut up as for marmalade; 11b. sugar and A, teaspoonful salt; 21 pints water. Note.—The sugar beet should be boiled first, as it takes longer than the fruit. This marmalade, of course, will not keep very long, but it is very useful for flavouring both puddings and cakes, and tastes very much like ordinary preserved orange-peel in the latter. Person- ally I prefer sugar beet to the real kind for a salad, and I believe
it is very good stewed with rhubarb.—I am, Sir, &c., E. G. S.