Ulster And Home Rule.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I enclose a cutting from the Halifax, Nova Scotia, Recorder. This is a Protestant paper, and always has been. Have you courage enough......
" The Old House."
[To THE EDITOR or. THE " SPECTATOR. SIR,—I have been interested in reading. the letter contributed to the Spectator describing the late Mr. Henry Adams. To those who have had......
Conscription For Ireland.—a Norwegian Story. Mo Tee...
" SPECTETOR."1 SIa, — An• episode from the history of Norway may be worth relating at the present moment. In 1808, when Norway was being threatened by enemies on all sides, a......
Farm Tenancies.
(To THZ EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, — Referring to "Land Agent's" letter, if landlords are not to disturb their tenants for the period of the war, surely they them- selves......
The Late Captain Michael Chapman. [to Ma Editor Of The
" SPECTATOR."] SIR, — Captain Michael Chapman's connexion with the Spectator emboldens me to write a few lines to you, from whom he received such kind and prompt encouragement......
The Adams St. Gaudens.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, — In - the Spectator last week is a letter which tells us that the St. Gaudens in Washington is from henceforth the Adams monu- ment;......