[To the Editor of Thu SPECTATOR.] Sra,—I have just read
an article by Mr. Robert Bernays, M.P., in The Spectator of April 27th, headed "Fascism and the Answer." This literary effort, which is a concoction of lying assertions, is contemptible.
How much did you pay him ? The country pays Mr. Bernays, M.P., 2400 a year, without income tax, plus his travelling expenses. His sneering " answer " to Fascism is nothing better than the braying of a well-fed " Balaam's Ass," and it is no credit to The Spectator to publish such utter rot.
Evidently, judging by his own words, this well-paid M.P.'s feeble attempt at literature was influenced by the fact that he had to pay 7s. 6d. for a ticket to hear Sir Oswald Mosley at the Albert Hall. How contemptible it is that our Press should be used by such a Creature to poison men's minds against a loyal God-fearing organization formed to fight against the enemies of Christianity !---I am, Sir, &c.,