4 MAY 1934, page 22
A Great European
President Masaryk Tells His Story. By Karel Capek. (Allen and Unwin. 7s. Bd.) PRESIDENT M ASARYK is one of the great figures of modern Europe ; and anything, even so slight an......
Bronte Poems
The Poems of Charlotte Bronte and Patrick Branwell Bronte : The Poems of Emily Jane Brontë and Anne Brontë. Edited by T. J. Wise and J. A. Symington. (Basil ElackwelL £1 5s.)......
Rookery Nook
The Life of the Rook. By G. K. Yeates. (Philip Allan. 10s. (d.) THERE is a branch of knowledge which may be called omi- thomythology. Time was when it comprised a large section......