[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The position of the middle-class unemployed is arousing much concern. These people, if they have earned over 2250 per annum, are neither insured against unemployment, nor will they be able to receive assistance, if distressed, from the Unemployment Assistance Board to be set up under the new Bill to deal with those not covered by insurance.
One difficulty in dealing with this problem is that of knowing the extent of unemployment in this class ; also, whether they wish to be insured under the national scheme. As some guide to an answer, I recently enclosed in my annual letter to my constituents a questionnaire dealing with these points. Several thousands have replied, but the value of the return will depend greatly on its completeness. If any graduate voter of the combined English Universities (i.e., all English Universities except Oxford, Cambridge and London) sees this and has not yet returned his questionnaire, may I beg him to do so, whether personally interested or not ; or if he has lost it, to reply in a word or two on a postcard to the following questions, referred to only by numbers? : (1) Name of University and date of graduation.
(2) Whether (a) occupied in paid work ; (b) not so occupied nor desiring it ; (c) unemployed, i.e., seeking paid work. (8) Nature of occupation held or sought.
(4) Would you approve the inclusion under insurance of workers (a) without limit of salary ; (b) earning up to £500; (c) earning up to £350 ?
(5) Also, the inclusion of the same workers among those able to appeal in distress to the Unemployment Assist- ance Board ?
No use will be made of the returns which will identify any individual. But no one who is not a constituent of mine should reply, as that would only confuse the returns.—! am, Sir, &c., ELEANOR F. RATHBONE,