A Hundred Years Ago
WESTMINSTER FEsTivez.. A conversation arose last night on the subject of this festival ; which the Duke of NEvicAsiax and the Bishop of LONDON cousidered as a desecration of the Abbey : no place once solemnly devoted to the worship of God should afterwards be used for any other purpose. The Earl of MALMESBURY, the Duke of CUMBERLAND, and Lord BROUGHAM, could see no harm in the festival, when a similar one had been countenanced by George the Third.
0 . * * The inhabitants of .Fleet Street have sent in a petition to the Common Council praying for the removal of Temple Bar. They state, that in consequence of the building occupying a very great portion of the space between the houses on either side of the way, the passage on both the carriage and footways is considerably impeded. The frequent obstructions which arise from the continuance of the building operate to the exclusion of a very valuable species of trade from the City, exemplified by the reiterated complaints of individuals that they cannot come in their carriages to the City, from the great danger of being damaged to winch they are exposed." Besides this, the narrowness of the footway affords great facility for the commission of robberies.