It will be interesting to see what effect the increase
in the price of London morning and evening newspapers has on their sales. That it will affect them is inevitable, and whether the extra halfpenny is going to cover the loss is by no means certain. The Stock Exchange is evidently doubtful, for though newspaper shares had been bought in view of the expected rise in price, they were marked down, not up, when the actual rise was announced on Monday. My own expectation is that the evening papers will suffer more than the morning ones. A large proportion of the latter are delivered at readers' houses, and an extra 3d. on the week's bill matters little. There is more hesitation, psychological rather than reasonable, about fishing up lid, instead of id. and paying it over to a vendor. At any rate, many persons who now buy two or three different evening papers, or two editions of the same paper, will pretty certainly restrict their reading. It would help the papers, undoubtedly, if the Mint would produce a lid. coin ; unfortunately, it would not long serve for bus tickets, in London at any rate: