Is Apartheid Cricket ?
Sta.—Dr. Beyer, the apologist for Apartheid at Africa House, in the welcome he gave last week to the South African cricketers, observed that they came in " the tradition of......
Comments On America
SIR,-I get your publication nearly every week. It is possible that when you enter the political discussion of the domestic affairs in the U.S.A. you run the risk of entering a......
Professor Laski
SIR,—I have undertaken to write a memoir of the late Professor Harold J. Laski. There must be many who possess letters from him, or other manuscripts and documents. I should be......
64 The Shadow Of The Gallows"
Sta,—Sentiment alone is no good basis for balanced judgement. After reading the paragraph in your last issue by Janus about capital punish- ment, it is well to remember that the......
46 A Sleep Of Prisoners " Sir.-1 Feel That I Cannot
be the only one of your readers to haye been mystified by your critic's discovery of the presence of Jonah and the whale in Christopher Fry's new play A Sleep of Prisoners which......
A Defender Of Culture
Sm,—Janus, in making a gibe at the Communist speaker on the American threat to British culture, has - reacted in a near-Fascist manner to the emotive stimulus of a Jewish name.......