Wine of the Week
IN the matter of food, diabetics are looked after rather well these days—jams, chocolates, biscuits and the rest of it. I have eaten and enjoyed a mar- malade for diabetics myself, in the course of a weight- losing fit, and found it very good indeed. What isn't so well known is that there are suitable wines, too, and that many good wine merchants can advise on them• There were a couple at Hellmers' annual tasting the other day: a Terlaner Pinot, from the Italian Tyrol, with less than 0.2 per cent. of natural sugar, a crisp, austere wine that Peter Dominic, Fortnum's and the Civil Service Stores all stock, at about 9s. 3d., and another especially interesting wine, a Flemlinger Zechpeter Scheurebe, to be had from the Army and Navy Stores and The Vintner, in Kensington Church Street, at about 16s. The Scheurebe is a grape that gives wonderful bouquet to a wine, and this Flemlinger is no exception: few wines so dry smell as flowery. Like my sugar-free marma- lade, it is worth the attention of non-diabetics, too: it would be delicious as an aperitif, or with