What's The Percentage?
hear that the Liberals are at work on some really spectacular recruiting stunts. Certainly there are sonic smart operators among the leaders of the party. During one of the......
Trade Union Trauma
By JOHN COLE T ins week has been one of traumatic experi- ence for the British trade union movement. Although the official result of the strike ballot in the shipbuilding and......
A. V. Cooknran Like So Many Of The Best Times
men A. V. Cookman was Guardian trained. He was one of the post-war young Turks who made Manchester such a distinguished place journalistically in the Twenties and early......
Spectator's Notebook
A 111:1:1: or two ago the BBC ran a symposium A on anti-American attitudes. Some well- balanced diagnosticians like Denis Brogan, Kingsley Amis, Marcus Cunliffe, and Anthony......
A Village Elder The Other Night I Was Re-reading E.
B. White's compact and evocative 'Here Is New York.' one of the best short pieces on that miraculous city. So strong is the sense of neighbourhood there, he says, that 'many a......
Holy Xenophobes Some Characteristic Qualities Of The...
harsh realism, their salty and unsentimental imagination, their unremitting wit, and their caballero-like handling of an English as lively as our own is jaded. But they still......