4 NOVEMBER 1871, Page 1


mR. GLADSTONE, on Saturday, delivered at Greenwich, before a crowd of electors, workmen, and roughs, a Aspeech that has acted on opinion like a fresh breeze. Half the mists which have been gathering through the Recess have been already dispersed, and the remainder are rising so rapidly that we get glimpses of the next Session through them. The electors of Greenwich accepted a vote of confidence with almost unanimous acclaim ; the moderate Liberals have been reinvigorated, and the Tories have been warned that the reaction they boast about has hardly yet commenced, that Mr. Gladstone on the stump is a very formidable person, and that it may be as well to reflect before fore- ing a dissolution by an alliance with the Secularists. 'Rho extent of the change is manifest from the deep disappointment evinced by the hostile press, the Pall Mall Gazette swearing like a sea- sick man in a passion, the Times growing sulkily civil, while the Globe and Standard are reduced to strike attitudes of pious horror at a gremier who refers to one of Mr. Bradlaugh's compilations as a " pestionable " book.