After Apologizing For His Deficiencies As A Local...
Gladstone stated that he was not going to apologize for his G-overnment, as he did not think that the future of the Govern- ment policy would in its main features differ from......
Further, Mr. Gladstone Pledged The Government To The...
of the Ballot Bill. As to the House of Lords, he thought there were "various particulars in which the constitution of that House might, under favourable circumstances, be......
It Is Curious To Note The Kind Of Eagerness With
which the new Government of Germany regards all questions of money. Prince Bismarck, in his speech to Parliament on 12th October, upon the new Convention with France, said he......
News Of The Week.
m R. GLADSTONE, on Saturday, delivered at Greenwich, before a crowd of electors, workmen, and roughs, a Aspeech that has acted on opinion like a fresh breeze. Half the mists......
As To Education, Mr. Gladstone Said, "reason And Common-...
required us to turn to account the vast machinery of edu- cation already existing in this country, and mainly provided by the Christian philanthropy and the voluntary action of......
Mr. Thiers Addressed The Council-general Of The...
27th October in a speech on the necessity of order. He had not made the Republic, but had received it as a trust, and that trust should not perish in his hands. The Republic......