Purchase, which was killed last Session, was buried on Wednes-
day, November I. From that date a new system of appointment and promotion comes into force. By a Royal Warrant, dated October 30, it is ordered that for the future Purchase cease, and candidates for nominations be selected by competitive examina- tion. Several classes of persons, however, particularly officers who have served a year in the Militia, undergraduates who have passed certain examinations, Queen's Cadets, and Pages of Honour are admissible without competition, but after a pass exami- nation. All, however, must go through a year's probation with a regiment and a course of study, and if they fail in any requisite, moral, physical, or educational, will be at once dismissed. A non- commissioned officer recommended by the Commander-in-Chief will also be eligible, and his peas examination will, of course, be a special one, an examination in regimental management rather than book knowledge. The arrangements, as a whole, seem fair, though the admission through the Militia may be abused. The present lists of accepted candidates have still to be worked off, and the rules therefore will not be in operation for two years.