The Bonapartist movement in Corsica seems to have broken down
in this way. The Bonapartiets arranged a prontoicimniotto there, and arranged that Prince Napoleon, who is intriguing "pretty much on his own hook," as the Americans say, and win), is proclaimed by the Paris correspondent of the Times to be the coining man, was to be escorted to the ca$a Boitaparat by half the Wand. The President heard of this, sent M. Ferry with orders to prevent the demonstration, sent a fleet to show he meant busi- ness, and seat ChaSSUCre to execute M. Ferry's will. M. Ferry informed the Prince that be should prevent his entrance into the casa Bonapar0 by force, and the Corsicans, see- ing the Government firm, became irresolute. The supposed majority in the Council-General dwindled away, a proposal to make Prince Jerome President was met by a counter-proposal to verify powers first, and defeated, and the Prince, clearly perceiv- iug that it was a coup manqué, "retired" to Genoa, protesting Against the illegality with which he had been treated. The powder had exploded through the touch-hole.