Latin Verse Composition. By the Rev. Francis David Minim M.A.
(Rivington, Percival, and Co.)—The writing of Latin verse, if not exactly a lost art, is passing out of use. The more the pity. However, there is still left a fairly good number of the faithful. For such Mr. Morice has provided an excellent selection. It is not intended for beginners, nor, on the other hand, for far- advanced scholars. There are just a hundred pieces. A lad who has translated them will, anyhow, have made acquaintance with some excellent bits of English poetry, and the acquaintance made in this way must be of an intimate kind. Indeed, it is an indisput- able benefit of translation that it compels the learner to understand
the original. If we have any fault to find with Mr. Morice's choice, it is that there are too many short lines,—lines which will require to be filled up with epithets.