The Story Of Abibal The Tsourian. Edited By Val Prinsep.
(Smith and Elder.)—This is a story of a mysterious manuscript in which a certain Abibal relates his unhappy experiences. There is a flavour of archaism about the style which may......
Barly Greek, Philosophy. By John Burnet, M.a. (a. And C.
Black.)—We cannot pretend properly to estimate, in the space at our command, this important book. The introduction is espe- cially noticeable for its assertion of the real......
Ivan Greet's Masterpiece. By Grant Allen. (chatto And...
Grant Allen republishes here a number of short stories which have already appeared in various periodicals. Most of them have been written " more or less to please himself," he......
Dogs I Have Known. By The Rev. Harry Jones. (s.p.c.k.)—
This is a charming little book, especially interesting to sym- pathetic readers of the Spectator, because it gives first-hand evidence of " dog-stories " quite as remarkable as......
Teaching On This Subject, Always Expressing Himself...
without any bitterness against those whom he believes to be in error. This is not a proper occasion for discussing the subject; but we may suggest that the theory scarcely......
Abbeys, Castles, And Ancient Halls Of England And Wales. By
John Timbs and Alexander Gunn. 3 vole. (Frederick Warne and Co.) —This is a reissue in three volumes of a very good book of its kind. Some of the articles have been rewritten,......