Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G. Mozart:Symphony No. 40
in G minor. Beethoven: Coriolan and Egmont Overtures. (Penguin Scores. 2s. 6d.) FOR half-a-crown each, Penguin Books have produced three minia- ture scores, presumably the beginning of a series, which are well printed and prettily bound in Italian paper. Their shape, seven by five inches, is not convenient for the pocket but pleasant for what might be called library use with a gramophone at home. Each is prefaced by a short biography of the composer concerned and an extended programme note which contains a formal analysis of the music ; and these are in each case well done. Such a production at such a price should be very popular at Christmas among musically inclined people who wish to greet each other with something more than a card and less than a present ; something in fact to replace the calendar. It is to be hoped that the series will be swiftly and generously continued.