Education And Swollen Shoot
Sis,—The disturbing news that Gold Coast farmers are opposing the steps taken to arrest Swollen Shoot disease is not surprising to anyone who has lived in West Africa and has......
Portrait Of Lita
Sta,—I am very loth to charge your paper with an error of taste or judge- ment, and so I presume that the article on last week's Undergraduate page called Portrait of Lita was......
Sot,—in Printing Portrait Of Lita The Spectator Has...
only an error of judgement, but also an act of treachery to clean-living youth. " If the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" —Yours sincerely, W.......
Charlotte And Eniily
Ssa,—There are a couple of points arising from the review by C. E. Vulliamy of The Four Bronzes, by Lawrence and E. M. Hanson, in the Spectator of October 21st, which it is......
The Church Of South India
Sta,—Bishop Tubbs's appeal in the Spectator of October 28th has beep accompanied by scarcely veiled criticisms affecting the good name and policy of S.P.G., and, if these are to......