Mr. Bur* t, too, has reduced the admission to the
upper tiers of boxes at Covent Garden and Drury Lane, to five shillings,—a politic measure :
but its success, which is to determine the permanency of this new arrangement, must depend upon the attractions of the theatre. An overflowing pit will be sure to fill the upper boxes, with so small a difference as eighteenpence in the price of admission ; and many, females especially, would on all occasions prefer the upper boxes to the pit, provided only their eyes and ears were in no danger of being assailed by sights and language fit only for the lowest haunts of profligacy.
Drury opened on Wednesday, with that very fresh and sprightly comedy the Hypocrite; and without DOWTON'S Cantwell or LISTON'S Mawworm, which were the principal causes of its popularity as a revival! The comedy was followed by SINCLAIR'S Masanielk—the lamb repre- senting the lion.
VANDENHOFF'S Coriolanus, with which Govent Garden opened, was followed by a farce, which, from the title (Mg Wife's Bedroom), and its utter destitution of wit or character, may have been Manager Bmeses own : it was all but damned.
A new hero and heroine for tragedy are announced,—a Mr. DENS-IL, whom we recollect at the Fitzroy ; and a Miss CLIFTON, from Ame-
rica. They are not to appear together, but at different houses, that the curious may pay seven shillings instead of three and sixpence to take a peep at the stars ; though nearly the same actors will be cast for
the other parts. BUNN and Morons have been exchanging tragedians; and BUTLER is now filling VANDENHOEF'S place at the Haymarket, previous to his going to the Surry. If the Little Lessee should adver-
tise for a tragedian, we should expect his advertisement would run thus—" Wanted, a Tragedian, to take the lead at the National Theatres. He must have a tall person, strong lungs, and prominent features; and possess the power of drawing houses, and tears. He will be expected to act at both theatres, and, when occasion requires, on the same night; and must not object to fill the heavy parts in Melodrama, Opera, and Spectacle, as well as in Comedy—in short, to make himself gene- rally useful. A moderate salary only will be given, as he will be favourably spoken of by the papers in the influence of the Manager; bit his name will appear in large letters in the bills."