The Following Extract From A Massachusetts Newspaper...
of the growing good-will between Englishmen and Americans. " The English armed brig Savage, with sixteen pirates on board, has arrived at Salem, where they are to be landed for......
As The Last Dividend On Spanish 3 Per Cents. Produced
by the con- Version from Cortes Bonds was paid in London by Messrs. Smith, Payne, and Co., application has been made there for the payment of those due on the 1st inst. ; but......
To Tail Zditor. Of Tiie Spectator.
SIR—Although a stranger in Portugal, I was lately admitted to a meeting in Lisbon, where some of the British officers in the service of Queen Donna MARIA signalized themselves......
One Of The .madrid Correspondents Of The Morning...
with his companion, Mr. Scott of the British Embassy at Madrid, was robbed on his road from that city to Paris, gives a graphic and lively account of his disaster, in u letter......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 27th ult.. the Lady of Sir Pisaraaoss ParArra FULLER PALMER ACLANO. Bart.. of Fairfield, in the eounty of Somerset, of a son and heir. On the 16th ult., at......
The Rector And His Curate, Or "one Pound Two."
[From the Times.] .• I trust we shall part, as we met. in peace and charity. My last payment to you paid your vainly up to the hat of this mouth. Since that, I owe you for one......
The Army.
WAR.Orrler.Ocr.n.—loth ii cgiment light Dragoous—Brevet Major Edward Moles worth. from the halt" pay of the Cape Corps of Cavalry, to be Captain without purchase, vice Wood,......