On the 27th ult.. the Lady of Sir Pisaraaoss ParArra FULLER PALMER ACLANO. Bart.. of Fairfield, in the eounty of Somerset, of a son and heir. On the 16th ult., at Fratikftat-on.the-Maiue. the Lady of Lieut.-Col. Sir CHARLES DANCE, Of a daagleer, an ill bora. On the ti=th tilt.. the Ludy of FRANCIS TIOLLINOWORTII, Esq.. Of daughter. On the 29th ult., at Northaick Terrace, St. John's Wood Road, the Lady of FRED'. RICK MADAN, Etq , ore daughter.
Lin the 2Stli Wit., in Ycr'a Street,St. James's, Mrs. SPENCER Praettrat., of a daughter. On the gmi inst., in Grosvenor Place, the Lady of Sir JAMES GRAHAM, of a daughter. At A shwell, the Wife of Tionsas I/I.:anis', operative wheela right. of a female child, and after a lapse of 21 days she was delivered of a fine him'; both children and the mother are doing well. MARRIAGES.
Oa the Z'Oth ult., at Woodehester, Capt. the Hon. M. F. F. BraKiLEY, R.N., to the lion. Cur sarorrs Mourrox, third daughter of Lord Diteie. On the 30th ult., at St. Marylebone New Church, Mr. Groner. Mur.raws, of Brook Green, llammersmith, surgeon, to ELIZA, daughter of the late Mr. William Surnmerton, of Ledwell, Oxon, on the 30th milt., at Chiswick, Grown' ROBINSON, Esq., of Brompton, to Jeer ANS. youngest daughter of the late Rev. Johu Watson, of Bonishall, in the county of Chester.
At Birkenhead, Chester. Grottos D. VaPO:ST, of Peurith. to CAROLINE.elde0 daughter of the late Sir Eduard O'Brien Pryer. Bart , of New Town-hall, Montgomery.
On the 25th tilt., THOMAS IP/AFFAIR WILMA SiS, Esq., of Water Eaton. in the county of Wilts, to ELtz a A KNE, eldest daughter of the late Colouel Robert M•Dowall. Ilea. East India Company's Seiviee.
On the 30th tilt., at Winchester, WILLIAM MILE, X.C.. Fellow of New College. Oxford, to AMELIA, eldest daughter of the Rev. Dr. Willi:tins, Head Master of Win- chester DEATHS.
On the 28:li inst., at his resilence, 5, Guildford Lawn, Dover, It. S. Evans, EN.. surgeon.
At Sawbridgewotth, Herta, in her 81st year. Mrs. ELIZABETH Bur.r.ocw, daughter ot the late Rev. Dr. Bullock, of Streatham, and of Covent Ganten. •
In Great James Street, Bedford Row. WILLIASI PASHIN, Eta1., iU11:11.81St '!ear.
In Edinburgh, Mr. JAI:ES NOBLE, a distinguished Orientalist.
NAPTHALI llawr. ESq , of South Street, Finsbury Square, in his 73:11 year.
At Hornsey, W. Moasrom, Esq., in his 75th year.
On the 2011, tilt., itt his seat in Cheshire, CHARLES WATKIN JOHN SHAKERLEY,Of
aliekerley, in Lancashire, and Somerford Park, in the county of Chester, Esq., iu 67th year.
On Vie 2Sth ult., at Clifton, Bristol. Dr. GRAY, Bishop of London.
on the eeth ult., Lady Id atiroalasams„ widow of the late Sir John Marjoriaauka
Bart.. of Lees, in the comity of Berwick. At M irket Street. Hens, at the advanced age of 91. Mr. Boors Icoones. His mother was 99 a hen she died: lie married the daughter of Mr. Kempso.i. of Harlington. Beds.
who lived to the age of 112. At Cloran, et only Tipperary, the Widow SIIITH. She lia I attained the extraordinary
advanced age in lib years, and retained her &culla a to the last moment of beresisteact.