WAR.Orrler.Ocr.n.—loth iicgiment light Dragoous—Brevet Major Edward Moles worth. from the halt" pay of the Cape Corps of Cavalry, to be Captain without purchase, vice Wood, &ceased. 1st Foot—Staff Assistaut-.tageon George Gordon llobertson. M.D. to 1,a A.sidant•Surgaou vice Miller, appointed on the Staff. 14:11 Foot—Capt. Richard Wharma Myddleton. from the 71st, to be Capt. vice Gore, ap- polults1 to the 'flat. G9th Foat —Staff Assist..Surg II. Fisher, M.D. to be Assi•t..Stirg. vice Coghlatt. appointed to the Fdith. 7Ist Foot—Capt. W. J. P. Gore. from the 14th, to be Cart. vice Myalehaoti. appoiuted to *Le 14th. 74th Foot—Capt. T. Mannin to 5e. Major, by purchase. vi.. Mae Quect:, S imo ret:res ; Lieu:. Hon, T. O'Grady to be Capt. by purl:Ise, vice Matomin ; 1111 I4t1 P. W L. Ilaaker to be Liao:. bv purchase, vica O't rady ; J. M liter, Gent. to in I usign. by purchase. vice [hawker. 75th Foot —Lieut. F. A. Goulden, from the to be Lieut. vice Halliday, vs Ito exchanges. 82d Foot— IL 11. If. Rogers to be Adj. vice II adwin, who resigns the Adj. only. 93n1 Font—Lieut. W. W. It. I lalli•luy, from the 75th. to be Lietit vice Gauthier,, a ho exchange..
Hospital Siaff—AssiQ.Surg. J. Nlillar. M.D. flow. the 1st Fo.d. to Le Assist.-Surg. to time Firm-es, vice Fisher, appointed to the G9th Regt.
Brevet—Major W. Wylde, or the 14/JIll Artillery, to have the local rank of Lieut.- Col, while employed on a 'special service in Spain. OFFICE OF ORON•NCE, Sept, 30.— Royal Regt. of Artillery—First Lieut. R. G. S. Smith to be See. Capt. vice Baynes, retired mu half-pay; See. Lieut. F. D. Cleave- land to be First Lieut. vice Smith.