Mn. PRYSE GORDON is a stanch Utilitarian; we don't mean in politics, but in travelling, and in making the most of what, in passing through life, may be picked up by the way. He has seen a great deal of the world; observed shrewdly ; possesses sonic taste ; and can describe, and even moralize after a fashion, in a style of plain, easy, almost agreeable commonplace, level to all capacities,—witli here and there a dash of humour, but little imagination, and no pretensions to enlarged speculative philoso- phy oreloquence. He is in fact an experienced, safe, and practical tourist ; and has been, moreover, a resident in a3 well as a traveller through the places he describes, acting the part of a true citizen of the world in them all.
The volumes before us consist of a sketch of the history of Belgium and Holland, and of their laws and constitution previous to the late Revolution ; a complete and accurate account of that event, and a lively description of the fighting at Brussels ; de- scriptive and statistical sketches of the country generally, eith brief historical notices of the principal cities and towns. The arrangement is not so orderly as we shoIdd have expected from a traveller of Mr. GORDON'S accuracy: he accounts for this irregu- larity by saying that the remarks were written at different periods, and hinting that the author's political opinions had been shaken, if not moved from their propriety, by the nature of intervening events. The principal object of the book, how- ever, seems to be, to set forth the advantages offered by Brussels as a place of residence for English families, to whom the economical appropriation of a small clear income, so as to pro- duce the greatest amount of comfort and enjoyment, is of impor- tance. Mr. GORDON gives the lights and shades of the picture; sots the benefits against the inconveniences, and leaves a large balance in favour of the former.
He describes the upper part of the city as clean and healthy, the lower as dirty and unwholesome; the climate as warmer in summer and colder in winter than even Paris. He speaks of it as dull and monotonous; the only external attraction being the Pare, resem- bling Kensington Gardens, but not so extensive, and with walks of loose sand instead of hard gravel, while the turf is unacquainted with the scythe. The houses are neither handsome without nor con- venient within ; the rooms being small and ill-arranged, the stairs steep, without offices for a set of servants, and with wretched sleep- ing-rooms for domestics. There seems to be but little of the friendly society which English people like best ; but in place of that, even- ing parties in the French style, which cost the natives, who give merely ices and lemonade, very little, while John Bull, who must give supper and champaign, finds at the end of the year, that he has spent more mosey than he would have spent in England. But this, as Mr. GORDON truly observes, must be set down to the folly of individuals, not to the place or its customs.
The very moderate price of every article of living in Flanders, compared with England, the salubrity of the climate, a mild government, and an easy access to London, render Brussels perhaps the very best station of any capital on the Con- tinent to those who, possessed of a narrow income, may wish to live respectably, and give their families a liberal education. It is justly celebrated for masters capable of instructing youth in all the modern accomplishments, who give les- son); on the moat moderate terms ; and there is an excellent academy for boys. Many English families have already availed themselves of these advantages; while others, from setting up too great establishments, have failed in their plans of economy, and returned even more embarrassed than when they came. 'this is niainly to be attributed to imprudence in their domestic arrangemetts ; foe, finding all the necessaries of life so much cheaper than in England, their table, are too amply served, and, being able to drink French wines at a third of their price in England, three times as much is consumed. Thus, although at the end of the year they may have lived better, there has been no retrenchment. It is only by strict attention to minutie in the mi'nage, by trusting little to set. vants, ani paying for every thing as it comes into the house, that any Parrot of economy will prove effective. From many honest Flemings having keen taken in by Messieuis lee Anglin's, where, from appearances, no suspicion of the kind could be reasonably entertained, tradesmen look at strangers with a suspicious eye if irregular in theirsettlements. English families coining to reside at Brussels are in general ill acquainted with the expenses of living, having probably derived their information from passing tourists, or from books written by authors without experience. Hence, on their arrival, they find every thing, especially house-rent, dearer than they had anticipated ; and, being unable to procure a comfortable well-furnished habitation in the Parc or Boulevards for the price of a lodging in some obaelio street in London, they complain that house-rent is dearer titan
an n England.
To the half-pay officer, in particular, Brussels would seem to be a convenient and desirable residence. Admission to the societj litteraire is readily obtained, and the expense of the table d'irdie is very moderate. But indeed, in most Continental towns, a solitary individual finds that be enjoys amusements, luxuries, and society, on the strength of a scanty income, that here would hardly procure him a bare subsistence.
Though Brussels itself is dull, its environs offer very pleasant walks—the roads are too bad for the rides to be very agreeable— to the little villages around. The scene is wild and picturesque, somewhat resembling the more cultivated parts of Scotland.
A peculiar and most cruel law is in operation in the Nether lands, which it is well for Englishwomen to know. The wife of a foreigner is liable for all the debts contracted by her husband there: and the author relates a case of great hardship, in which an Englishwoman, the wife of a Greek who fled from Bruges leaving his debts unpaid, was imprisoned at the suit of his creditors; and being defended at law by a benevolent and chivalrous country- man, was cast in the action, with the addition of costs. This is a fearful drawback to the advantages of the Netherlands. Though many scamps of husbands, with sad sluts for wives, may have sojourned in those parts, rendering strong protection to the natives necessary, yet true it is that the most honourable and worthy may become involved in difficulties ; and a penalty so horrible as that which the Flemish law exacts, is enough to deter the most prosperous from coming within the possibility of its operation.
We conclude with a few extracts ; once more recommending Mr. GORDON'S work, as moderately entertaining, awl very useful. It is embellished with some very neat lithographs of the build- ings and inliabitants.
A great error is committed by English travellers in overburdening themselve with baggage. We caution them against this ; for besides the trouble it will give them at the customhouses, the utmost vigilance will hardly prevent their losing a great part of it. It is of great importance to procure a trusty and intelligent servant. On him depends many of the little agremens of travelling, and they should therefore be very careful in their selection : one who is not perfect!), acquainted with the countries which he visits, and with the French, German, and Italian languages, will be rather an incumbrance than otherwise.
In large towns, tales d'Cte are to he preferred to private rooms, as they are always more plentifully served, and affcrd an cyportunity of mixing with the people of the country, and of improving in their language; but, unfortunately, many tourists have a dislike to public rooms and to converse with strangers. If, on coming abroad, they would, instead of boasting of national superiority, lay aside some of the prejudices of their country, and accorninodate the.nsenes to foreign customs, they would be both better treated and more respected.
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A great deal of trouble will be saved by the tourist, by confining his ward- robe into small compass ; and, if well stowed in, a stout portmanteau, with a ca- pacious sack, will be found ample for any rational man. An umbrella, a Por- tugal cloak, a small telescope, a brace of pocket-pistols, a case containing two spooas, two forks, and as many knives, are also indispensable necessaries; and we know, from experience, that shoes and gaiters are better than boots, whirl: are apt to swell the legs in long journies. Ti, those who Can afford posting, a strong and light travelling carriage is of the highest importance. Englishmen eir in bringingto the Continent carriage with poles, which always require four horses; whereas, if they purchase that modern machine called a Drosk i i, at Brussels or at Frankfort, t will be found more suitable to the roads, with stronger wheels, and two persons may travel with a pair of horses ; and, besides, the price is much less. Be careful of your passports, and endeavour, before you set out, to have them countersigned (vize)hy the ambassadors of the countries in your route: this will often prevent delay in their examination, especially on the frontiers of many of the potentates, whose jealousy in admittiag strangers into their dominions at this moment is well known. For similar reasons, let no books be found in yom possession which are written in favour of liberty, and never utter a word on po- litical subjects after you pass the Meuse. Your valet de place will generally be found a spy on you, as well as every waiter at the hotels, and the commissionnaire whom you have hired to show you the lions. This last class of rogue will also mislead you, and put you to AI unnecessary trouble and expense in dragging you to every object which he thinks worthy, of a stranger s notice, nr mentioned in a guide- book that he will put in your hands. In every large city, a respectable person will be procured to act as your cicerone ; but talk not on public affairs with him, however learoed he may be in the arts. Many young travellers commit them:elves to deserved censure, by haggling with landlords, waiters, Sac about trifles ; for every traveller must submit to little imposition, and especially an Englishman. But they have been perhaps told that they are cheated at all hands, and that it is necessary to make a prc vious bargain before you enter a hotel. This may be the case at some second- rate ion, but, in general, it is bad policy to marchandise at respectable auherges, and nothing will be gained thereby ; for, if your courier knows his business, and is honest (a rare quality, however, in these fellows), you will not be greatly imposed on. It often happens, also, that good food cannot be always had in many places in hot weather, and during Lent ; and the tourist who is fastidious in his diet, discovers that he is likely to be starved, because the larder does ara afford a single dish of flesh meat. We would, however, advise him to be cow tented with a meagre soup, an omelette, and a pudding, with vegetables, whith be can always command.