The intelligence from Paris is meagre, and the little that
is sent is not satisfactory. There have been several considerable failures during the week, and the rejection of the GUEBHARD Loan has contributed to render men of capital in Paris cautious and uncom- fortable. Discounts are circumscribed, and there is some fear of a commercial crisis during the autumn. But it should be remem- bered, that this is the dull season of the year for business on the Continent, as in England : a few weeks will restore the activity, and we trust the confidence, of commercial men.
Marshal GERARD is gone to visit Louis PHILIP at Fontainbleau. Of course, some political project is assigned for this movement. One supposition is, that he goes to enforce upon the King the policy of granting an amnesty for all political offences; another, that he has obtained proofs of shameful jobbing in Spanish Stock, and suppression of telegraphic despatches, by some of his col- leagues, and that he means to insist upon their public exposure and dismissal. We should imagine the Marshal must know too much of Louts PHILIP to designate stockjobbing as a crime, in any communication he may hold with him.