An arrival at Falmouth from Lisbon brings intelligence of the forma- tion of the new Portuguese Ministry. We subjoin the names of the principal members.
Duke of PALMELLA, President of the Council, without a portefeuille. Bishop of C01!■113KA, Minister of the Interior.
A. BARETO FERRAZ, Minister of Justice.
SILVA CARVALHO, Minister of Finality.
Duke of TERCEIRA, Minister of War.
Count VILLA REAL, Minister of Foreign Affairs. AGOETINHO JOSE FREIRE, Minister Ot Marine.
Of these, the Bishop of COIMBRA, FERRAZ, CAW/LLB°, TERCEIRA, and FREIRE, belong to the extreme Liberal party : VILLA REAL is very moderate in his politics, and PALMELLA rather uncertain : it is supposed that be yields reluctantly to the superior influence and popularity of Caevauto, who has the complete ascendancy in the new Cabinet. Indeed, it seems quite out of the question to attempt the government of the country without this Minister's aid. The Directors of the Bank of Lisbon, and M. Al ENDIZABAL, made a communication, to the effect that their accounts with the Government must close if be left the Finance department.
On the 25th September, the formation of the Ministry was officially communicated to the Cortes, by PALMELLA; who stated the principles on which it• would proceed, in these words— To do every thing in their power towards the development of the Constitu- tional institutions, as well as their consolidation ; to propose such laws as are still necessary, in order that the Charter may work well ; to adopt every mea- sure which can be conducive to the upholding of the public credit, both abroad snd at home ; and lastly, to unite all the l'ortuguese under the bonnets of the Queen, no matter what their opinions may have been heretofore, thereby ren- dering effective the spirit of the Chatter."
The Conde DE TAIPA seems to have been the only person who openly expressed his distrust of the new Cabinet.