While the French squadron said to be destined for the Bay of Naples remains at anchor in the roadstead of Toulon, the telegraph from Ajaccio in Corsica, the rendezvous of the Allied fleet, reports that "two English war corvettes" had arrived there from Malta. From Malta we learn that the two corvettes were the Swallow and the Centaur. The orders to sail to Ajaccio were carried out by the Caradoc ; and on board the Cexadoc was Captain Stanhope, R.N., on his way to join Admiral Lyons. Sir Charles Young, Garter King of Arms, en route for the City of the Sultan, was the chief passenger on board the Caradoc. Various rumours respecting the intention of the King of Naples are current. It is said, for instance, that through his Minister he has offered to release Poerio and Settembrini if they would solicit that favour at his hands, and that they declined. But the report rests on no foundation.
Baron Hiibner has returned to Vienna, and General Martini has been sent from the Austrian Court on a mission to Naples. The Neapolitan Minister at Vienna, Prince Petrulla, has twice tendered his resignation.
The Emperor held a Council yesterday at St. Cloud. Marshal Narvaez was to leave Bayonne yesterday for Madrid.
A telegraphic despatch from Constantinople, dated September 27, states that "M. de Thouvenel and Lord Stratford de Redeliffe have had a long conference with Reschid Pasha on the subject of the Principalities."